Source code for acq4.Manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" -  Defines main Manager class for ACQ4
Copyright 2010  Luke Campagnola
Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more information.

This class must be invoked once to initialize the ACQ4 core system.
The class is responsible for:
    - Configuring devices
    - Invoking/managing modules
    - Creating and executing acquisition tasks. 
import atexit
import gc
import getopt
import os
import sys
import time
import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict

import six
from six.moves import map

import pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph.reload as reload
from pyqtgraph import configfile
from pyqtgraph.debug import printExc, Profiler
from pyqtgraph.util.mutex import Mutex
from . import __version__
from . import devices, modules
from .Interfaces import InterfaceDirectory
from .devices.Device import Device, DeviceTask
from .util import DataManager, ptime, Qt
from .util.HelpfulException import HelpfulException
from .util.debug import logExc, logMsg, createLogWindow

_ = logExc  # prevent cleanup of logExc; needed by debug

def __reload__(old):
    Manager.CREATED = old['Manager'].CREATED
    Manager.single = old['Manager'].single

[docs]class Manager(Qt.QObject): """Manager class is responsible for: - Loading/configuring device modules and storing their handles - Managing the device rack GUI - Creating acquisition task handles - Loading gui modules and storing their handles - Creating and managing DirectoryHandle objects - Providing unified timestamps - Making sure all devices/modules are properly shut down at the end of the program""" sigConfigChanged = Qt.Signal() sigModulesChanged = Qt.Signal() sigModuleHasQuit = Qt.Signal(object) ## (module name) sigCurrentDirChanged = Qt.Signal(object, object, object) # (file, change, args) sigBaseDirChanged = Qt.Signal() sigLogDirChanged = Qt.Signal(object) # dir sigTaskCreated = Qt.Signal(object, object) ## for debugger module sigAbortAll = Qt.Signal() # User requested abort all tasks via ESC key CREATED = False single = None
[docs] def __init__(self, configFile=None, argv=None): self.lock = Mutex(recursive=True) ## used for keeping some basic methods thread-safe # self.devices = OrderedDict() # all currently loaded devices self.modules = OrderedDict() # all currently running modules self.devices = OrderedDict() # all devices loaded via Manager self.definedModules = OrderedDict() # all custom-defined module configurations self.config = OrderedDict() self.currentDir = None self.baseDir = None self.exitOnError = False self.gui = None self.shortcuts = [] self.disableDevs = [] self.disableAllDevs = False self.alreadyQuit = False self.taskLock = Mutex(Qt.QMutex.Recursive) self._folderTypes = None try: if Manager.CREATED: raise Exception("Manager object already created!") Manager.CREATED = True Manager.single = self self.logWindow = createLogWindow(self) self.documentation = Documentation() if argv is not None: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, 'c:a:x:m:b:s:d:nD', ['config=', 'config-name=', 'module=', 'base-dir=', 'storage-dir=', 'disable=', 'no-manager', 'disable-all', 'exit-on-error']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(str(err)) print(""" Valid options are: -x --exit-on-error Whether to exit immidiately on the first exception during initial Manager setup -c --config= Configuration file to load -a --config-name= Named configuration to load -m --module= Module name to load -b --base-dir= Base directory to use -s --storage-dir= Storage directory to use -n --no-manager Do not load manager module -d --disable= Disable the device specified -D --disable-all Disable all devices """) raise else: opts = [] Qt.QObject.__init__(self) atexit.register(self.quit) self.interfaceDir = InterfaceDirectory() # Import all built-in module classes modules.importBuiltinClasses() ## Handle command line options loadModules = [] setBaseDir = None setStorageDir = None loadManager = True loadConfigs = [] for o, a in opts: if o in ['-c', '--config']: configFile = a elif o in ['-a', '--config-name']: loadConfigs.append(a) elif o in ['-m', '--module']: loadModules.append(a) elif o in ['-b', '--baseDir']: setBaseDir = a elif o in ['-s', '--storageDir']: setStorageDir = a elif o in ['-n', '--noManager']: loadManager = False elif o in ['-d', '--disable']: self.disableDevs.append(a) elif o in ['-D', '--disable-all']: self.disableAllDevs = True elif o == "--exit-on-error": self.exitOnError = True else: print("Unhandled option", o, a) ## Read in configuration file if configFile is None: configFile = self._getConfigFile() self.configDir = os.path.dirname(configFile) self.readConfig(configFile) logMsg('ACQ4 version %s started.' % __version__, importance=9) ## Act on options if they were specified.. try: for name in loadConfigs: self.loadDefinedConfig(name) if setBaseDir is not None: self.setBaseDir(setBaseDir) if setStorageDir is not None: self.setCurrentDir(setStorageDir) if loadManager: self.showGUI() self.createWindowShortcut('F1', for m in loadModules: try: if m in self.definedModules: self.loadDefinedModule(m) else: self.loadModule(m) except: if not loadManager: self.showGUI() raise except: printExc("\nError while acting on command line options: (but continuing on anyway..)") if self.exitOnError: raise except: printExc("Error while configuring Manager:") Manager.CREATED = False Manager.single = None if self.exitOnError: raise finally: if len(self.modules) == 0: self.quit() raise Exception("No modules loaded during startup, exiting now.") win = self.modules[list(self.modules.keys())[0]].window() self.quitShortcut = Qt.QShortcut(Qt.QKeySequence('Ctrl+q'), win) self.quitShortcut.setContext(Qt.Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.abortShortcut = Qt.QShortcut(Qt.QKeySequence('Esc'), win) self.abortShortcut.setContext(Qt.Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.reloadShortcut = Qt.QShortcut(Qt.QKeySequence('Ctrl+r'), win) self.reloadShortcut.setContext(Qt.Qt.ApplicationShortcut) self.quitShortcut.activated.connect(self.quit) self.abortShortcut.activated.connect(self.sigAbortAll) self.reloadShortcut.activated.connect(self.reloadAll)
def _getConfigFile(self): ## search all the default locations to find a configuration file. from acq4 import CONFIGPATH for path in CONFIGPATH: cf = os.path.join(path, 'default.cfg') if os.path.isfile(cf): return cf raise Exception("Could not find config file in: %s" % CONFIGPATH) def _appDataDir(self): # return the user application data directory if sys.platform == 'win32': # resolves to "C:/Documents and Settings/User/Application Data/acq4" on XP # and "C:\User\Username\AppData\Roaming" on win7 return os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'acq4') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': return os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Preferences/acq4') else: return os.path.expanduser('~/.local/acq4')
[docs] def readConfig(self, configFile): """Read configuration file, create device objects, add devices to list""" print("============= Starting Manager configuration from %s =================" % configFile) logMsg("Starting Manager configuration from %s" % configFile) cfg = configfile.readConfigFile(configFile) self.config.update(cfg) ## read modules, devices, and stylesheet out of config self.configure(cfg) self.configFile = configFile print("\n============= Manager configuration complete =================\n") logMsg('Manager configuration complete.')
[docs] def exec_(self, pyfile): """Execute a Python file. This is used to enable easy loading of customizations from an externally defined file. Note that sys.path is temporarily modified to allow the external file to import from scripts in its own path. For more complex customizations, it is recommended to build an importable module instead. Parameters ---------- pyfile : str The full path to the python file to be exec'd Returns ------- globs : dict global namespace defined by the exec """ modDir = os.path.dirname(pyfile) sys.path.insert(0, modDir) try: globs = {} with open(pyfile, 'rb') as fh: exec(, globs) finally: sys.path.pop(0) return globs
[docs] def configure(self, cfg): """Load the devices, modules, stylesheet, and storageDir defined in cfg""" self._loadConfig(cfg) self.sigConfigChanged.emit()
def _loadConfig(self, cfg): for key, val in cfg.items(): try: # Handle custom import / exec if key == 'imports': if isinstance(val, str): val = [val] for mod in val: __import__(mod) elif key == 'execFiles': if isinstance(val, str): val = [val] for pyfile in val: self.exec_(pyfile) ## configure new devices elif key == 'devices': for k in cfg['devices']: if self.disableAllDevs or k in self.disableDevs: print(" --> Ignoring device '%s' -- disabled by request" % k) logMsg(" --> Ignoring device '%s' -- disabled by request" % k) continue print(" === Configuring device '%s' ===" % k) logMsg(" === Configuring device '%s' ===" % k) try: conf = cfg['devices'][k] driverName = conf['driver'] if 'config' in conf: # for backward compatibility conf = conf['config'] self.loadDevice(driverName, conf, k) except: printExc("Error configuring device %s:" % k) if self.exitOnError: raise print("=== Device configuration complete ===") logMsg("=== Device configuration complete ===") ## Copy in new module definitions elif key == 'modules': for m in cfg['modules']: self.definedModules[m] = cfg['modules'][m] ## set new storage directory elif key == 'storageDir': print("=== Setting base directory: %s ===" % cfg['storageDir']) logMsg("=== Setting base directory: %s ===" % cfg['storageDir']) self.setBaseDir(cfg['storageDir']) elif key == 'defaultCompression': comp = cfg['defaultCompression'] try: if isinstance(comp, tuple): cstr = comp[0] assert isinstance(comp[1], int) else: cstr = comp assert cstr in [None, 'gzip', 'szip', 'lzf'] except Exception: raise Exception( "'defaultCompression' option must be one of: None, 'gzip', 'szip', 'lzf', ('gzip', 0-9), or ('szip', opts). Got: '%s'" % comp) print("=== Setting default HDF5 compression: %s ===" % comp) from MetaArray import MetaArray MetaArray.defaultCompression = comp elif key == 'folderTypes': self._folderTypes = val ## load stylesheet elif key == 'stylesheet': try: css = open(os.path.join(self.configDir, cfg['stylesheet'])).read() Qt.QApplication.instance().setStyleSheet(css) except: raise elif key == 'disableErrorPopups': if cfg[key] is True: self.logWindow.disablePopups(True) elif cfg[key] is False: self.logWindow.disablePopups(False) else: print( "Warning: ignored config option 'disableErrorPopups'; value must be either True or False.") elif key == 'defaultMouseMode': mode = cfg[key].lower() if mode == 'onebutton': pg.setConfigOption('leftButtonPan', False) elif mode == 'threebutton': pg.setConfigOption('leftButtonPan', True) else: print( "Warning: ignored config option 'defaultMouseMode'; value must be either 'oneButton' or 'threeButton'.") elif key == 'useOpenGL': pg.setConfigOption('useOpenGL', cfg[key]) elif key == 'misc': # Let's start moving things out of the top level, but stay backwards compatible self._loadConfig(cfg[key]) except: printExc("Error in ACQ4 configuration:") if self.exitOnError: raise
[docs] def listConfigurations(self): """Return a list of the named configurations available""" return list(self.config.get('configurations', {}).keys())
def loadDefinedConfig(self, name): with self.lock: if name not in self.config['configurations']: raise Exception("Could not find configuration named '%s'" % name) cfg = self.config['configurations'][name] self.configure(cfg) def readConfigFile(self, fileName, missingOk=True): fileName = self.configFileName(fileName) if os.path.isfile(fileName): return configfile.readConfigFile(fileName) else: if missingOk: return {} else: raise Exception('Config file "%s" not found.' % fileName)
[docs] def writeConfigFile(self, data, fileName): """Write a file into the currently used config directory.""" fileName = self.configFileName(fileName) dirName = os.path.dirname(fileName) if not os.path.exists(dirName): os.makedirs(dirName) return configfile.writeConfigFile(data, fileName)
def appendConfigFile(self, data, fileName): with self.lock: fileName = self.configFileName(fileName) if os.path.exists(fileName): return configfile.appendConfigFile(data, fileName) else: raise Exception("Could not find file %s" % fileName) def configFileName(self, name): return os.path.join(self.configDir, name)
[docs] def loadDevice(self, devClassName, conf, name): """Create a new instance of a device. Parameters ---------- devClassName : str The name of a device class that was registered using acq4.devices.registerDeviceClass(). See acq4.devices.DEVICE_CLASSES for access to all available device classes. conf : dict A structure passed to the device providing configuration options name : str The name of this device. The instantiated device object will be retrievable using ``Manager.getDevice(name)`` Returns ------- device : Device instance The instantiated device object """ devclass = devices.getDeviceClass(devClassName) dev = devclass(self, conf, name) self.devices[name] = dev # just to prevent device being collected return dev
[docs] def getDevice(self, name): """Return a device instance given its name. """ name = str(name) try: return self.getInterface('device', name) except KeyError: raise Exception("No device named %s. Options are %s" % (name, ','.join(self.listDevices())))
[docs] def listDevices(self): """Return a list of the names of available devices. """ return self.listInterfaces('device')
[docs] def reserveDevices(self, devices, timeout=10.0): """Return a DeviceLocker that can be used to reserve multiple devices simultaneously:: with manager.reserveDevices(['Camera', 'Clamp1', 'Stage']): # .. do stuff """ devices = [self.getDevice(d) if isinstance(d, six.string_types) else d for d in devices] return DeviceLocker(self, devices, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def loadModule(self, moduleClassName, name=None, config=None, forceReload=False, importMod=None, execPath=None): """Create a new instance of an user interface module. Parameters ---------- moduleClassName : str The name of the module *class* to instantiate. The class must have been registered by calling acq4.modules.registerModuleClass(). See acq4.modules.MODULE_CLASSES for access to all available module classes. name : str or None The name to assign to the newly instantiated module. If None, then the class name is used instead. Module names are automatically modified to avoid name collision with previously loaded modules. config : dict | None Configuration options to pass to the module constructor """ if name is None: name = moduleClassName ## Find an unused name for this module baseName = name n = 0 while name in self.listInterfaces().get("module", []): name = "%s_%d" % (baseName, n) n += 1 if config is None: config = {} print('Loading module "%s" as "%s"...' % (moduleClassName, name)) # deprecated args if importMod is not None: __import__(importMod) elif execPath is not None: self.exec_(execPath) modclass = modules.getModuleClass(moduleClassName) mod = modclass(self, name, config) with self.lock: self.modules[name] = mod self.sigModulesChanged.emit() return mod
[docs] def listModules(self): """List names of currently loaded modules. """ with self.lock: return list(self.modules.keys())
[docs] def getDirOfSelectedFile(self): """Returns the directory that is currently selected, or the directory of the file that is currently selected in Data Manager.""" with self.lock: try: f = self.getModule("Data Manager").selectedFile() if not isinstance(f, DataManager.DirHandle): f = f.parent() except Exception: f = False logMsg("Can't find currently selected directory, Data Manager has not been loaded.", msgType='warning') if self.exitOnError: raise return f
[docs] def getModule(self, name): """Return an already loaded module""" with self.lock: name = str(name) if name not in self.modules: raise Exception("No module named %s" % name) return self.modules[name]
[docs] def getCurrentDatabase(self): """Return the database currently selected in the Data Manager""" return self.getModule("Data Manager").currentDatabase()
[docs] def listDefinedModules(self): """List module configurations defined in the config file""" with self.lock: return self.definedModules.copy()
[docs] def loadDefinedModule(self, name, forceReload=False): """Load a module and configure as defined in the config file""" with self.lock: if name not in self.definedModules: print("Module '%s' is not defined. Options are: %s" % (name, str(list(self.definedModules.keys())))) return conf = self.definedModules[name] mod = conf['module'] config = conf.get('config', {}) # Allow mechanisms for importing custom modules execPath = conf.get('exec', None) importMod = conf.get('import', None) mod = self.loadModule(mod, name, config, forceReload=forceReload, execPath=execPath, importMod=importMod) win = mod.window() if 'shortcut' in conf and win is not None: self.createWindowShortcut(conf['shortcut'], win) print("Loaded module '%s'" %
def moduleHasQuit(self, mod): with self.lock: if in self.modules: del self.modules[] self.interfaceDir.removeObject(mod) else: return self.removeWindowShortcut(mod.window()) self.sigModulesChanged.emit() self.sigModuleHasQuit.emit( # print "Module",, "has quit" def unloadModule(self, name): try: # print " request quit.." self.getModule(name).quit() # print " request quit done" except: printExc("Error while requesting module '%s' quit." % name) if self.exitOnError: raise ## Module should have called moduleHasQuit already, but just in case: with self.lock: if name in self.modules: del self.modules[name] else: return self.sigModulesChanged.emit() # print "Unloaded module", name
[docs] def reloadAll(self): """Reload all python code""" # path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] # path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, '..')) path = 'acq4' print("\n---- Reloading all libraries under %s ----" % path) reload.reloadAll(debug=True) print("Done reloading.\n") logMsg("Reloaded all libraries under %s." % path, msgType='status')
def createWindowShortcut(self, keys, win): ## Note: this is probably not safe to call from other threads. try: sh = Qt.QShortcut(Qt.QKeySequence(keys), win) sh.setContext(Qt.Qt.ApplicationShortcut) sh.activated.connect(lambda *args: win.raise_()) except: printExc("Error creating shortcut '%s':" % keys) if self.exitOnError: raise with self.lock: self.shortcuts.append((sh, keys, weakref.ref(win))) def removeWindowShortcut(self, win): ## Need to remove shortcuts after window is closed, because the shortcut is hanging on to all the widgets in the window ind = None for i, s in enumerate(self.shortcuts): if s[2]() == win: ind = i break if ind is not None: with self.lock: self.shortcuts.pop(ind)
[docs] def runTask(self, cmd): """ Convenience function that runs a task and returns its results. """ t = Task(self, cmd) t.execute() return t.getResult()
[docs] def createTask(self, cmd): """ Creates a new Task instance from the specified command structure. """ t = Task(self, cmd) self.sigTaskCreated.emit(cmd, t) return t
[docs] def showGUI(self): """Show the Manager GUI""" if self.gui is None: self.gui = self.loadModule('Manager', 'Manager', {})
[docs] def getCurrentDir(self): """ Return a directory handle to the currently-selected directory for data storage. """ with self.lock: if self.currentDir is None: raise HelpfulException("Storage directory has not been set.", docs=["userGuide/modules/DataManager.html#acquired-data-storage"]) return self.currentDir
[docs] def setLogDir(self, d): """ Set the directory to which log messages are stored. """ self.logWindow.setLogDir(d)
[docs] def setCurrentDir(self, d): """ Set the currently-selected directory for data storage. """ if self.currentDir is not None: try: self.currentDir.sigChanged.disconnect(self.currentDirChanged) except TypeError: pass if isinstance(d, six.string_types): self.currentDir = self.baseDir.getDir(d, create=True) elif isinstance(d, DataManager.DirHandle): self.currentDir = d else: raise Exception("Invalid argument type: ", type(d), d) p = self.currentDir ## Storage directory is about to change; logDir = self.logWindow.getLogDir() while not'expUnit', False) and p != self.baseDir and p != logDir: p = p.parent() if p != self.baseDir and p != logDir: self.setLogDir(p) else: if logDir is None: logMsg("No log directory set. Log messages will not be stored.", msgType='warning', importance=8, docs=["userGuide/dataManagement.html#notes-and-logs"]) self.currentDir.sigChanged.connect(self.currentDirChanged) self.sigCurrentDirChanged.emit(None, None, None)
[docs] def currentDirChanged(self, fh, change=None, args=()): """Handle situation where currentDir is moved or renamed""" self.sigCurrentDirChanged.emit(fh, change, args)
[docs] def getBaseDir(self): """ Return a directory handle to the base directory for data storage. This is the highest-level directory where acquired data may be stored. If the base directory has not been set, return None. """ with self.lock: return self.baseDir
[docs] def setBaseDir(self, d): """ Set the base directory for data storage. """ with self.lock: if isinstance(d, six.string_types): dh = self.dirHandle(d, create=False) elif isinstance(d, DataManager.DirHandle): dh = d else: raise Exception("Invalid argument type: ", type(d), d) changed = False if self.baseDir is not dh: self.baseDir = dh changed = True if changed: self.sigBaseDirChanged.emit() self.setCurrentDir(self.baseDir)
[docs] def dirHandle(self, d, create=False): """Return a directory handle for the specified directory string.""" # return self.dataManager.getDirHandle(d, create) return DataManager.getDirHandle(d, create=create)
[docs] def fileHandle(self, d): """Return a file or directory handle for d""" # return self.dataManager.getHandle(d) return DataManager.getFileHandle(d)
def showLogWindow(self): ## These functions just wrap the functionality of an InterfaceDirectory def declareInterface(self, *args, **kargs): ## args should be name, [types..], object with self.lock: return self.interfaceDir.declareInterface(*args, **kargs) def removeInterface(self, *args, **kargs): with self.lock: return self.interfaceDir.removeInterface(*args, **kargs) def listInterfaces(self, *args, **kargs): with self.lock: return self.interfaceDir.listInterfaces(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def getInterface(self, *args, **kargs): """Return the object that was previously declared with *name* and interface *type*. """ with self.lock: return self.interfaceDir.getInterface(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def suggestedDirFields(self, file): """Given a DirHandle with a dirType, suggest a set of meta-info fields to use.""" with self.lock: fields = OrderedDict() if isinstance(file, DataManager.DirHandle): info = if 'dirType' in info: # infoKeys.remove('dirType') dt = info['dirType'] folderTypesConfig = self._folderTypesConfig() if dt in folderTypesConfig: fields = folderTypesConfig[dt]['info'] if 'notes' not in fields: fields['notes'] = 'text', 5 if 'important' not in fields: fields['important'] = 'bool' return fields
def _folderTypesConfig(self): return self._folderTypes def showDocumentation(self, label=None):
[docs] def quit(self): """Nicely request that all devices and modules shut down""" if not self.alreadyQuit: ## Need this because multiple triggers can call this function during quit self.alreadyQuit = True lm = len(self.modules) ld = len(self.listDevices()) with pg.ProgressDialog("Shutting down..", 0, lm + ld, cancelText=None, wait=0) as dlg: self.documentation.quit() print("Requesting all modules shut down..") logMsg("Shutting Down.", importance=9) while len(self.modules) > 0: ## Modules may disappear from self.modules as we ask them to quit m = list(self.modules.keys())[0] print(" %s" % m) self.unloadModule(m) dlg.setValue(lm - len(self.modules)) print("Requesting all devices shut down..") devs = Device._deviceCreationOrder[::-1] for d in devs: # shut down in reverse order d = d() if d is None: # device was already deleted continue print(" %s" % d) try: d.quit() except: printExc("Error while requesting device '%s' quit." % if self.exitOnError: raise dlg.setValue(lm + ld - len(devs)) print("Closing windows..") Qt.QApplication.instance().closeAllWindows() Qt.QApplication.instance().processEvents() print("\n ciao.") Qt.QApplication.quit()
# All other modules can use this function to get the manager instance def getManager() -> Manager: if Manager.single is None: raise Exception("No manager created yet") return Manager.single class DeviceLocker(object): def __init__(self, manager, devices, timeout=10.0): # make sure we lock devices in a predictable order; this is what prevents deadlocks self.devices = sorted(devices, key=lambda d: self.locked = [] self.timeout = timeout self.lockErr = None def tryLock(self, timeout=None): try: for device in self.devices: devLocked = device.reserve(block=True, timeout=timeout) if not devLocked: self.lockErr = "Timed out waiting for %s" % self.unlock() return False self.locked.append(device) return True except Exception: self.unlock() raise def lock(self): locked = self.tryLock(timeout=self.timeout) if not locked: self.unlock() raise RuntimeError("Failed to lock devices: %s" % self.lockErr) def unlock(self): for device in self.locked: try: device.release() except: pass self.locked = [] def __enter__(self): self.lock() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.unlock() class Task: id = 0 def __init__(self, dm, command): = dm self.command = command self.result = None self.taskLock = Mutex(recursive=True) self.deviceLock = None self.startedDevs = [] self.startTime = None self.stopTime = None # self.reserved = False try: self.cfg = command['protocol'] except: print("================== Manager Task.__init__ command: =================") print(command) print("===========================================================") raise TypeError("Command specified for task is invalid. (Must be dictionary with 'protocol' key)") = += 1 ## TODO: set up data storage with cfg['storeData'] and ['writeLocation'] # print "Task command", command self.devNames = list(command.keys()) self.devNames.remove('protocol') self.devs = {devName: for devName in self.devNames} ## Create task objects. Each task object is a handle to the device which is unique for this task run. self.tasks = {} # print "devNames: ", self.devNames for devName in self.devNames: task = self.devs[devName].createTask(self.command[devName], self) if task is None: printExc("Device '%s' does not have a task interface; ignoring." % devName) continue self.tasks[devName] = task @staticmethod def getDevName(obj): if isinstance(obj, six.string_types): return obj elif isinstance(obj, Device): return elif isinstance(obj, DeviceTask): return def getConfigOrder(self): ## determine the order in which tasks must be configured ## This is determined by tasks having called Task.addConfigDependency() ## when they were initialized. # request config order dependencies from devices deps = {devName: set() for devName in self.devNames} for devName, task in self.tasks.items(): before, after = task.getConfigOrder() deps[devName] |= set(map(Task.getDevName, before)) for t in map(self.getDevName, after): if t in deps: deps[t].add(devName) # request estimated configure time cost = {devName: self.tasks[devName].getPrepTimeEstimate() for devName in self.devNames} # convert sets to lists deps = dict([(k, list(deps[k])) for k in deps.keys()]) # return sorted order order = self.toposort(deps, cost) return order def getStartOrder(self): ## determine the order in which tasks must be started ## This is determined by tasks having called Task.addStartDependency() ## when they were initialized. deps = {devName: set() for devName in self.devNames} for devName, task in self.tasks.items(): before, after = task.getStartOrder() deps[devName] |= set(map(Task.getDevName, before)) for t in map(self.getDevName, after): if t not in deps: # device is not in task; don't worry about its start order # (this happens, for example, with Trigger devices that do not need to be started by acq4) continue deps[t].add(devName) deps = dict([(k, list(deps[k])) for k in deps.keys()]) # return sorted order order = self.toposort(deps) return order def execute(self, block=True, processEvents=True): """Start the task. If block is true, then the function blocks until the task is complete. if processEvents is true, then Qt events are processed while waiting for the task to complete. """ with self.taskLock: self.startedDevs = [] self.stopped = False # whether sub-tasks have been stopped yet self.abortRequested = False self._done = False # cached output of isDone() # print "====== Executing task %d:" % # print self.cfg # print "=======================" ## We need to make sure devices are stopped and unlocked properly if anything goes wrong.. from acq4.util.debug import Profiler prof = Profiler('Manager.Task.execute', disabled=True) try: # print, "Task.execute:", self.tasks ## Reserve all hardware self.reserveDevices() prof.mark('reserve') ## Determine order of device configuration. configOrder = self.getConfigOrder() ## Configure all subtasks. Some devices may need access to other tasks, so we make all available here. ## This is how we allow multiple devices to communicate and decide how to operate together. ## Each task may modify the startOrder list to suit its needs. # print "Configuring subtasks.." for devName in configOrder: self.tasks[devName].configure() prof.mark('configure %s' % devName) startOrder = self.getStartOrder() # print "done" if 'leadTime' in self.cfg: time.sleep(self.cfg['leadTime']) prof.mark('leadSleep') self.result = None ## Start tasks in specific order # print "Starting tasks.." for devName in startOrder: # print " ", devName try: self.startedDevs.append(devName) self.tasks[devName].start() except: self.startedDevs.remove(devName) print("Error starting device '%s'; aborting task." % devName) raise prof.mark('start %s' % devName) self.startTime = ptime.time() # print " %d Task started" % if not block: prof.finish() # print " %d Not blocking; execute complete" % return ## Wait until all tasks are done # print "Waiting for all tasks to finish.." lastProcess = ptime.time() isGuiThread = Qt.QThread.currentThread() == Qt.QCoreApplication.instance().thread() # print "isGuiThread:", isGuiThread while not self.isDone(): now = ptime.time() elapsed = now - self.startTime if isGuiThread: if processEvents and now - lastProcess > 20e-3: ## only process Qt events every 20ms Qt.QApplication.processEvents() lastProcess = ptime.time() if elapsed < self.cfg[ 'duration'] - 10e-3: ## If the task duration has not elapsed yet, only wake up every 10ms, and attempt to wake up 5ms before the end sleep = min(10e-3, self.cfg['duration'] - elapsed - 5e-3) else: sleep = 1.0e-3 ## afterward, wake up more quickly so we can respond as soon as the task finishes # print "sleep for", sleep time.sleep(sleep) # print "all tasks finshed." self.stop() # print " %d execute complete" % except: printExc("========== Error in task execution: ==============") self.abort() self.releaseDevices() raise finally: prof.finish() def isDone(self): """Return True if all tasks are completed and ready to return results. If the task run time exceeds the timeout duration, then raise RuntimeError. """ with self.taskLock: # If we previously returned True or raised an exception, then # just repeat that result. if self._done is True: return True elif self._done is not False: raise self._done # Check for timeout if self.startTime is not None: # By default, timeout occurs 10 sec after requested duration is elapsed. # Set timeout=None to disable the check. timeout = self.cfg.get('timeout', self.cfg['duration'] + 10.0) now = ptime.time() elapsed = now - self.startTime if timeout is not None and elapsed > timeout: self.stop(abort=True) self._done = RuntimeError("Task timed out (>%0.2fs)." % timeout) raise self._done # For testing tasks that fail to complete if getattr(self, 'test_endless', False): return False # print "Manager.Task.isDone" if not self.abortRequested: t = ptime.time() if self.startTime is None or t - self.startTime < self.cfg['duration']: # print " not done yet" return False # else: # print " duration elapsed; start:", self.startTime, "now:", t, "diff:", t-self.startTime, 'duration:', self.cfg['duration'] # else: # print " aborted, checking tasks.." d = self._tasksDone() # print " tasks say:", d self._done = d return d def _tasksDone(self): for t in self.tasks: if not self.tasks[t].isDone(): # print "Task %s not finished" % t return False if self.stopTime is None: self.stopTime = ptime.time() return True def duration(self): """Return the requested task duration, or None if it was not given.""" return self.command.get('protocol', {}).get('duration', None) def runTime(self): """Return the length of time since this task began running. If the task has already finished, return the length of time the task ran for. If the task has not started yet, return None. """ if self.startTime is None: return None if self.stopTime is None: return ptime.time() - self.startTime return self.stopTime - self.startTime def stop(self, abort=False): """Stop all tasks and read data. If abort is True, do not attempt to collect results from the task. """ with self.taskLock: prof = Profiler("Manager.Task.stop", disabled=True) self.abortRequested = abort try: if not self.stopped: ## Stop all device tasks while len(self.startedDevs) > 0: t = self.startedDevs.pop() try: self.tasks[t].stop(abort=abort) except: printExc("Error while stopping task %s:" % t) prof.mark(" ..task " + t + " stopped") self.stopped = True if not abort and not self._tasksDone(): raise Exception("Cannot get result; task is still running.") if not abort and self.result is None: # print "Get results.." ## Let each device generate its own output structure. result = {'protocol': {'startTime': self.startTime}} for devName in self.tasks: try: result[devName] = self.tasks[devName].getResult() except: printExc("Error getting result for task %s (will " "set result=None for this task):" % devName) result[devName] = None prof.mark("get result: " + devName) self.result = result # print "RESULT 1:", self.result ## Store data if requested if 'storeData' in self.cfg and self.cfg['storeData'] is True: self.cfg['storageDir'].setInfo(result['protocol']) for t in self.tasks: self.tasks[t].storeResult(self.cfg['storageDir']) prof.mark("store data") finally: ## Regardless of any other problems, at least make sure we ## release hardware for future use if self.stopTime is None: self.stopTime = ptime.time() self.releaseDevices() prof.mark("release all") prof.finish() if abort: gc.collect() ## it is often the case that now is a good time to garbage-collect. # print "tasks:", self.tasks # print "RESULT:", self.result def getResult(self): with self.taskLock: self.stop() return self.result def reserveDevices(self): if self.deviceLock is None: try: self.deviceLock = self.deviceLock.lock() except Exception: self.deviceLock = None raise def releaseDevices(self): if self.deviceLock is None: return self.deviceLock.unlock() self.deviceLock = None def abort(self): """Stop all tasks, to not attempt to get data.""" self.stop(abort=True) @staticmethod def toposort(deps, cost=None): """Topological sort. Arguments are: deps Dictionary describing dependencies where a:[b,c] means "a depends on b and c" cost Optional dictionary of per-node cost values. This will be used to sort independent graph branches by total cost. Examples:: # Sort the following graph: # # B ──┬─────> C <── D # │ │ # E <─┴─> A <─┘ # deps = {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'c': ['b', 'd'], 'e': ['b']} toposort(deps) => ['b', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'a'] # This example is underspecified; there are several orders # that correctly satisfy the graph. However, we may use the # 'cost' argument to impose more constraints on the sort order. # Let each node have the following cost: cost = {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 1, 'e': 1, 'd': 3} # Then the total cost of following any node is its own cost plus # the cost of all nodes that follow it: # A = cost[a] # B = cost[b] + cost[c] + cost[e] + cost[a] # C = cost[c] + cost[a] # D = cost[d] + cost[c] + cost[a] # E = cost[e] # If we sort independent branches such that the highest cost comes # first, the output is: toposort(deps, cost=cost) => ['d', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'a'] """ # copy deps and make sure all nodes have a key in deps deps0 = deps deps = {} for k, v in deps0.items(): deps[k] = v[:] for k2 in v: if k2 not in deps: deps[k2] = [] # Compute total branch cost for each node key = None if cost is not None: order = Task.toposort(deps) allDeps = {n: set(n) for n in order} for n in order[::-1]: for n2 in deps.get(n, []): allDeps[n2] |= allDeps.get(n, set()) totalCost = {n: sum([cost.get(x, 0) for x in allDeps[n]]) for n in allDeps} key = lambda x: totalCost.get(x, 0) # compute weighted order order = [] while len(deps) > 0: # find all nodes with no remaining dependencies ready = [k for k in deps if len(deps[k]) == 0] # If no nodes are ready, then there must be a cycle in the graph if len(ready) == 0: print(deps) raise Exception("Cannot resolve requested device configure/start order.") # sort by branch cost if key is not None: ready.sort(key=key, reverse=True) # add the highest-cost node to the order, then remove it from the # entire set of dependencies order.append(ready[0]) del deps[ready[0]] for v in deps.values(): try: v.remove(ready[0]) except ValueError: pass return order DOC_ROOT = '' class Documentation(Qt.QObject): def __init__(self): Qt.QObject.__init__(self) def show(self, label=None): if label is None: url = DOC_ROOT else: url = DOC_ROOT + label Qt.QDesktopServices.openUrl(Qt.QUrl(url)) def quit(self): pass class QtDocumentation(Qt.QObject): """Encapsulates documentation functionality. Note: this class is currently out of service in favor of referencing online documentation instead. """ def __init__(self): Qt.QObject.__init__(self) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) self.docFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, '..', 'documentation', 'build', 'qthelp', 'ACQ4.qhc')) self.process = Qt.QProcess() self.process.finished.connect(self.processFinished) def show(self, label=None): if self.process.state() == self.process.NotRunning: self.startProcess() if label is not None: Qt.QTimer.singleShot(2000, lambda: self.activateId(label)) return if label is not None: self.activateId(label) def expandToc(self, n=2): self.write('expandToc %d\n' % n) def startProcess(self): self.process.start('assistant', ['-collectionFile', self.docFile, '-enableRemoteControl']) if not self.process.waitForStarted(): output = str(self.process.readAllStandardError()) raise Exception("Error starting documentation viewer: " + output) Qt.QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.expandToc) def activateId(self, id): print("activate:", id) self.write('activateIdentifier %s\n' % id) def activateKeyword(self, kwd): self.write('activateKeyword %s\n' % kwd) def write(self, data): ba = Qt.QByteArray(data) return self.process.write(ba) def quit(self): self.process.close() def processFinished(self): print("Doc viewer exited:", self.process.exitCode()) print(str(self.process.readAllStandardError()))